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Artificial Intelligence

Best Artifical Intelligence Training Course in South Delhi

India ranks third when it comes to the penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) skills in the country’s workforce, as per the recent reports. The Analytics India Magazine estimates the worth of AI industry in India for 2018-19 at $230 million which increased from $180 million over the previous year. According to Gartner, AI is projected to eliminate 1.8 million jobs while creating 2.3 million new jobs globally by 2020. At the annual budget 2019, India’s honourable Finance Minister specifically mentioned the importance of allocating funds for development of technologies like AI. In short, demand for AI professionals is experiencing a rise.And, why not! These professionals are highly skilled to design and deploy AI solutions for different purposes and domains.

Tech Access offers artificial intelligence training and certification courses that prepare skilled and knowledgeable artificial intelligence professionals willing to achieve top positions and rewarding career in the industry. As one of the leading providers of technology-led courses, we keep a constant watch on what skill sets and expertise are in demand in various AI domains. It helps us to design courses with right content and deliver it using a practical approach for maximum learning benefits.

What Are the Top Features and Highlights of Our Courses?

At Tech Access, we make every possible attempt to ensure the usefulness of our training programs to fit in the current and future scenarios. For this, we design our AI courses:

  • Advanced study and learning material which is in sync with the current industry trends.
  • Practical learning through real-life case studies and demonstrations to promote deep understanding of digital marketing concepts.
  • Hands-on live projects to ensure in-depth exposure to digital marketing campaign planning, execution, challenges, solutions and more.
  • Actual use of various digital marketing tools you would be using as a digital marketing professional.
  • Use of quizzes, assignments, exercises and other assessment tools to evaluate the individual progress of every trainee and include improvements if required.

What Skills/Competencies will Develop?

Artificial intelligence courses provide you valuable insights into the technology, its concepts and fundamentals as well as practice knowledge and skills that you would utilize in real. Here are the main skills you would learn through our courses:

  • Artificial intelligence basics
  • Fundamentals of machine learning and deep learning
  • Artificial neural network
  • Data science and data analytics
  • Natural language processing
  • Designing and building AI projects
  • TensorFlow and its functions
  • Robot localization
  • Tools, programming languages and frameworks used in AI

What Make Artificial Intelligence Certification Important?

If you wish to work with one of the above-mentioned companies and other potential employers, you need to raise your employability through certification. Here’s why you need to acquire AI certification:

  • To be competitive in the market
  • To differentiate yourself from the average learners
  • To add valuable credentials to your resume
  • To be skilful and prove the same at job
  • To earn better and grow in career

Why Choose Tech Access for Artificial Intelligence Courses?

We are proud to prepare AI experts to fill in the gap in the industry. With us, you get advantages like:

  • Classroom learning approach which produces better outcomes
  • Balance between theory and lab-based practical learning
  • Doubt clearing sessions and regular assessments
  • Top AI experts as instructors
  • Portfolio development and placement assistance

AI industry in India is reshaping the jobs market in the country. Get ready to leverage the benefits by joining an AI course with us today.